Cheer Yourself On
I am all fired up. I have cool things happening that have the potential to make big positive impacts on my life. And, I am totally fired up!
However, I’ve been here before. I’ve been psyched up about something, totally gung-ho and ready to go, and then the enthusiasm starts to fade, and that's what this blog is really all about. How do we go about keeping things exciting? How do we stay fired up and motivated and feeling like we can take on the world?
I think different things work for different people, but all in all, I think it's about reliving that initial excitement every day and being able to keep sight of the outcome you want to achieve. I mean really see it. I know there is a lot of hype around visualization, but personally, I think it is well earned. Being able to visualize the outcome is not just about “seeing” it in your mind. Visualizing is about feeling it with every sense of your being. I think visualizing should get a new name, something that depicts the entirety of what visualization entails. As important as visualization is in staying psyched up about pursuing your desires, what is even more important is the intense physical sensation you experience at the onset of your pursuit. You need to find a way to stay in the zone. You need to find a way to stay focused on the excitement that you initially feel! You need to get all those synapses sizzling, your blood pumping and that adrenaline dripping! What you need is a daily pep rally!
photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash
Remember your high school pep rallies? Remember the energy they produced and the vibe they created? Remember the high you felt in that atmosphere and how the rest of your day seemed charged with excitement and expectation? What if you could create that kind of excitement and expectation on a daily basis? How do you put it into action? How do you effectively create a daily pep rally?
It makes sense that you would want to produce this feeling at the beginning of your day. It wouldn’t do much good getting into this state of high right before going to bed. No other time of day makes sense. But what else? What would produce that kind of excitement and intensity? Do you exercise to get the endorphin, dopamine, and serotonin kicking in? Do you meditate/visualize? Do you watch your mind movie/s? Do you blast your favorite songs? Do you jump on facebook and give a rah-rah speech? Do you talk to yourself out loud? Do you have a mental conversation with yourself like when warming up in the batters box? Or maybe you could try talking smack to yourself like before a big prizefight? How do you take this ah-ha moment and make something of it?
How do we take this moment and create momentum out of it?
If you don’t know what will work, try different techniques until you find out what does. These are just some examples. You may even need a variety of methods, because the same method every day may lose its impact and effectiveness. Maybe switch it up now and then. Find ways to spread your “rah-rah” throughout the day. Find what works for you and do it!
Maintaining that feeling can be crucial to your success. You have to consistently recharge your desire. You have to feel that excitement, hold on to the desired outcome, see it playing out in your mind, and own the fact that you will be successful. You can't let the mundanity of everyday life tarnish the intensity of your desires. You owe it to yourself to consistently tap into what really turns you on. You need to stay fired up and motivated. It's when you don't keep our eyes on the prize that things start to feel and go sideways. So, make the decision to start each day with your very own personal pep-rally. Find the recipe that works for you. Cheer yourself on, rev yourself up, and re-embrace your excitement. Every. Single. Day!