Out of the Shadows & Into the Sun
This post has been long in coming. I have been holding on to it, tweaking it as changes occurred around and within me. The changes started coming so fast, I couldn't keep up with the vastness of what was happening. It's difficult to even remember the fog I had been living in previously. What I do remember is a shroud that had been there for so long I didn't even realize it WAS there... it had become part of who I was; someone who observed from the shadows and the sidelines, doing my best not to call any attention to myself. Somewhere along my journey I decided it was a good idea to be invisible, and honestly, I became REALLY good at it.
Photo by Vusal Ibadzade on Unsplash
But, something changed.
For the first time in my life I was ready to MAKE my life happen instead of waiting for life to happen TO me.
I feel this with every ounce of my being. It's as if the accumulation of all my past and present personal development, as well as witnessing the success and growth of countless others, has finally enabled me to realize that I too can have dreams, that I’m allowed, and even deserving of those dreams.
The best part is, through those dreams, I am finally letting myself live. I am creating ideas I can really sink my teeth into and a business that fills my heart with pride and happiness. I can clearly see the potential my dreams have. I am bettering the lives of others by helping other people blossom and see their own worth in the world.
I don't want others hiding in the shadows while they see sunlight being cast upon all of those around them. I don't want others feeling invisible to the world, or even worse, I don’t want others feeling invisible to themselves. I don't want others waiting until their midlife to discover that they are beautiful, powerful, and important. I truly, madly and deeply, don't want anyone to leave this existence without ever realizing what unique, awesome, and impactful gifts they have to offer the world.
So, here I am! Finally stepping out of the shadows. I'm using my voice, my ideas, my creativity, and my love. I’m reaching back into those shadows to take those in hiding by the hand to lovingly coax them into the light. It’s their turn to be seen, heard and appreciated. What about those people who think they are content in their darkness?? I’m willing to do whatever it takes to bend beams of sunlight, in angles they don't usually bend, just so I can reflect that sunlight onto those who have forgotten (or maybe never even experienced) how amazingly warm, generous and loving the sunlight can really feel.
If you are in the shadows, feeling invisible to yourself and/or the world, it doesn't have to be that way. Change can happen. Light can be shined. Your spirit can come alive.
If my voice resonates in your darkness, if you can feel the faint vibration of better things to come, then I urge you to reach out to me. Let me show you tools and help you develop a new way to live. If you are willing to take my hand, I would be most honored to lead you back into the sun where you belong.