What's Holding Together Your Big Plans?

Today I brainstormed all the things I want to build into my schedule to help me continue to build my coaching business. Each of the tasks I’ve written down into the calendar are like the bricks I’m using to build my business but I’m realizing the true strength of my coaching biz comes from the mortar between those bricks not just in the action of laying them down. The real strength comes from the mortar that is created and set by me every time I actually complete one of the tasks or to dos I’ve committed to. 

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My coaching biz will only ever be as strong as the commitments I keep to myself. Any task or to do that I choose not to complete is more like playing Jenga - pull a little from here, don’t mortar there, and before you know it you got an unstable wobbly mess!

In my life before, I was resistant to schedules and structure. I was afraid it would take away from my “freedom.” But now, it is so absolutely clear that the structure I create of my own choosing, followed out, and put into action, is what will create the most freedom I’ve ever truly known. 

I am no longer a prisoner to my chaos and lack of confidence. I am free to have ideas and make decisions that I actually see come into existence. I will continually build trust in myself and a knowing that anything I choose to create for myself or my clients will come to be and I don’t have to spend extra time, emotion or energy doubting myself or being wishy-washy because I know and actually believe I have the ability and integrity to follow through on all the little steps that take me to my dreams. And that definitely feels like FREEDOM! 

If you have the desire to focus, follow through and finally get shit done, If you have the desire to learn to keep the promises you’ve made to yourself after years of letting yourself down, or if you just want to learn to trust yourself again, I would love to be the person who guides you to those new realities.

It is closer than you think.

Connie Oestreich