Seek, Devour, Recover... Repeat

As humans we are so accustomed to receiving stimulation from outside of ourselves we forget there is a whole world of wonder waiting to be discovered within each of us.

We look to the outside for stimulation and pleasure, not realizing that the stimulation and pleasure we seek is also what causes a majority of the “problems” we face.

In my coaching practice the idea of false pleasures comes up over and over. As humans we are always looking for the quick fix to make ourselves feel better. We do that with food, alcohol, shopping, drugs, gambling, and much more. If we are spending all of our time always chasing the next high… (which is what happens when our pleasure is found from outside sources) we end up on this never ending cycle of seeking, devouring, and recovering and then right back to seeking again. It’s a really crappy loop that most of us find ourselves in without even knowing how we got there. We never stop long enough to get to know ourselves in a way that develops our ability and understanding to create our own internal pleasure and stimulation... pleasure that lasts and that can be called upon at a moments notice.

That’s where my work comes in. My desire is to help people get out of this crappy loop by helping you learn how to create your own internal pleasures. Pleasures that you can never over-consume and pleasures you never have to recover from. I give you a second chance at developing the ability and understanding to create your own pleasure and stimulation.

This type of pleasure is not fleeting or damaging. It is just connection, connection to the parts of you that are hurting and need attention. Connection to your thoughts and how to use them for your fullest potential and best intentions. Connection to your creativity where we give yourself the opportunity to dream and play and create. Connection to your own unique higher power that gives you courage and insight and knowing.

By learning how to connect with yourself and gain true self-awareness, you will be tapping into a connection that opens the doors to a whole new world of possibilities, potential and pleasure that you never thought was possible. It doesn’t happen over night, but it will never happen unless you give yourself the opportunity to start! You just have to start.

If you don’t know how, I am here to help. Just click on the button below to start your journey of connecting to yourself by connecting with me. I would love to hear your story and talk to you about how I can help.

Connie Oestreich