Self Sabotage... What Is It and How Do I Stop It?

When you first initiate change of any degree you might initially feel excitement and pride in what you are working towards accomplishing. You have made the decision and taken action. And that excitement feels great until your brain realizes that something is wrong with the status quo. Your conscious mind (your pre-frontal cortex) the part that can plan, worked so diligently to make this change and then with the slightest sign of distress or discomfort (which can be caused by any type of change) your lizard brain took over.

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Connie OestreichComment
Cheer Yourself On

Remember your high school pep rallies? Remember the energy they produced and the vibe they created? Remember the high you felt in that atmosphere and how the rest of your day seemed charged with excitement and expectation? What if you could create that kind of excitement and expectation on a daily basis?

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Connie OestreichComment
So What!

I understand that as humans we long to mourn and grieve our losses and put meaning to everything, but when the stories we are telling ourselves become excuses or prevent us from moving forward then those stories have overstayed their welcome.

We need to keep this in mind in our own lives. We need to remember that stories can be changed, re-imagined and rewritten. The best part is as humans we have the power to change any aspect of any of our stories we want

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Connie OestreichComment
Every Woman's Right

No matter what we have experienced, no matter what we have survived, we can always change how we look at it. The changes won't make our history go away, but what it can do is revitalize our souls.

As adults, we have the power to make changes that need to be made. We have the power to choose what we think about and what we focus on. I am in no way saying that this is easy, but I am saying that it is possible, and within our control, to do what needs to be done.

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Connie OestreichComment
Creating and Owning Self-Expectations

That list of questions ended up creating magic. The questions were not easy to answer. It was not a one sitting and done kind of job. It was a fill it in a little at a time, think about it, make some changes, get more clarity, make some more changes, kind of job.

Even now, when I go back to it, I find myself making more changes to it. As you grow, you give yourself the ability to dream and think bigger and more audaciously. As you start achieving the desires you had created for yourself and your life, you discover what you thought you wanted may not be what you still desire. You also start to create confidence in your ability to actually become that person because you start seeing how your life begins to parallel the life you are seeking.

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Connie OestreichComment
How to Have Emotional Badassery

For way too many years I was ashamed of my emotions, denied my emotions, and held my emotions in. The irony is that all those years of suppressed emotional expression culminated into severe anxiety. At that point my body was so filled with toxic and stagnate emotional energy it was making me physically sick.

Today I do it differently. Today, I let myself feel my emotions without judgment. I have learned how to honor the variety of emotions I experience and realize we can allow ourselves to feel emotions with the understanding that we don't have to stay stuck in any one of them. This is what I want for you.

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Connie OestreichComment
YOU Are Your Sunshine!

Our culture here in the US, is extremely accustomed to wanting and even feeling as though we need outside sources to make us feel good. Alcohol, drugs, food, sex, adrenaline, people, and things are constantly sought after as though they have some magical ingredient that will make us happy, fix our woes, and change our moods. The part hard to reconcile is that due to our physical chemistry, all those things do have the ability to spark a change in our moods... temporarily. And as a result we are continuously out searching for the next thing that can give us that chemical high. As with almost anything, if we could do this in moderation and with awareness, we would be just fine, however, very few of us have reached a level of awareness that gives us the ability to monitor such actions.  

It's time to do something about that.

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Out of the Shadows & Into the Sun

The changes started coming so fast, I couldn't keep up with the vastness of what was happening. It's difficult to even remember the fog I had been living in previously. What I do remember is a shroud that had been there for so long I didn't even realize it WAS there... it had become part of who I was; someone who observed from the shadows and the sidelines, doing my best not to call any attention to myself. Somewhere along my journey I decided it was a good idea to be invisible, and honestly, I became REALLY good at it. But something changed.

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Do You Know Yourself?

Do you know yourself well enough to know exactly what you need to create the belief, energy, and momentum that truly builds your dreams? Or are you moving through life so focused on the external you don’t even know who you are or what your dreams are?

Learning to connect to our internal self is the first step towards our life’s success! Tapping into what lights us up and feeds our soul is one of the best ways to figure out who we are and what our version of success looks like.

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Let Yourself In

My guess is that they do know, but they have so many thoughts they just don't know which one to pick... as though speaking out loud one of the many thoughts swimming around in their head will automatically disqualify, negate or wipe out every other option they had to choose from. That's not how it is.

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Ready or Not, Here I Come!

Ready or Not, Here I Come, is a proclamation to ourselves that we are in control and that we've "got this" and Ready or Not, Here I Come, is a proclamation to society that you aren't going to wait for their blessing, or wait for their approval, or wait for them to be ready because what you've got to do, say, or be is important!

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How to Tackle Contrast - A Creative Perspective

As soon as we have cleaned up the biggest contrast in our life... guess what happens? It gives the problems of lesser contrast the ability to now be seen. We can now focus on problems that were not so visible before (but that were still creating chaos.) For each level of contrast you work through it gives the opportunity for something new to come to the surface, stand out, be seen and addressed.

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Connie Oestreich
Seek, Devour, Recover... Repeat

If we are spending all of our time always chasing the next high… (which is what happens when our pleasure is found from outside sources) we end up on this never ending cycle of seeking, devouring, and recovering and then right back to seeking again. It’s a really crappy loop that most of us find ourselves in without even knowing how we got there.

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Connie Oestreich
What's Holding Together Your Big Plans?

In my life before, I was resistant to schedules and structure. I was afraid it would take away from my “freedom.” But now, it is so absolutely clear that the structure I create of my own choosing, followed out, and put into action, is what will create the most freedom I’ve ever truly known.

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Connie Oestreich