Do You Know Yourself?

Do you know yourself?

Do you know yourself well enough to know exactly what you need to create the belief, energy, and momentum that truly builds your dreams? Or are you moving through life so focused on the external you don’t even know who you are or what your dreams are?

Learning to connect to our internal self is the first step towards our life’s success! Tapping into what lights us up and feeds our soul is one of the best ways to figure out who we are and what our version of success looks like.

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Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion…
You have to set Yourself on fire!

- Connie O

Here are some questions to ask yourself.

  1. Am I consistently connecting to the true me?

  2. Do I even know who the “true me” is?

  3. Am I able to identify my internal motivators?

  4. Does the energy I exude match the energy of my soul?

  5. Do I easily get pulled into other people’s energy?

  6. Have I allowed myself to create a dream I can be excited about going after?

  7. Do I believe in myself and my ability to reach my dreams?

  8. Do I have momentum carrying me towards that dream?

If you do not like the way you are answering the above questions and it’s creating a pit in your stomach, a lump in your throat or a contraction of your chest... you know there is work to do! The good news is, this kind of work has payoffs you could never imagine. This kind of work is deep and profound and glorious and rich and courageous. This is the kind of work that will make all the difference. And all you have to do is learn to connect to yourself, your higher power and the vision of your future!

If you want to find out what you are truly capable of, you first have to allow yourself to dream. As humans, we “dream” all the time. If you think about it, the ideas we have everyday are just short format dreams. That is, we have conjured them up in our imagination but they haven’t come to fruition yet. The difference in ideas is that we believe we can make them happen and without a lot of rigmarole. And often we don’t have a lot of vested emotional attachment to them. That is, we don’t attach ourselves to the outcome. It won’t mean anything about us, if our idea does or doesn’t actually become reality.

Our dreams, on the other hand, are usually very personal. We seem to look at them through the shroud of obstacles between where we are and where our dream lies. It’s almost as though the belief that it would be hard or impossible to obtain is part of what makes it so desirable. So ask yourself this. Are you a person that is content with just dreaming or are you a person that has a dream that you actually want to pursue?

If you know THAT about yourself, look at the questions above again, and ask if they even matter, or if now… maybe they matter even more.

If you do have a dream you want to pursue but you aren’t sure where to start, I can help. My work is to help you become the person who has the belief, energy and momentum she needs to go after her dreams. It’s time for you to meet HER! She’s in there. It’s just a matter of knocking on her door and inviting her out to play.

If you are ready to get your first real glimpses of HER and you want to start shining a light on what is possible for your future, schedule an Illumination call below.