Ready or Not, Here I Come!
Ready or not, here I come!
Why did it take so many years for this common saying to finally make me stop and realize how profound a comment it really is? Maybe it's that whole "when the student is ready the teacher will come" idea... but in this case it wasn't a teacher, it was just a simple six word saying that most of us have probably said scores of times during our life.
Stop for a minute and think about this with me. Over the past few months I have been spending many hours participating in a variety of programs to help my organizational, time management, goal setting and business skills. A recurring theme in these programs was that you never really feel ready, and if you take the time to wait until you DO feel ready, guess what, you will probably be waiting a really long time! That's it, that's the bottom line. As adult's we need to take that childhood vernacular and APPLY it to our lives.
Ready or Not, Here I Come, is about following our passions and going for it. It's about letting go of the need to be perfect and doing it anyway! It's about understanding that just getting started is half the battle, and then realizing, really, it was even more than half. Ready or Not, Here I Come, is a proclamation to ourselves that we are in control and that we've "got this" and Ready or Not, Here I Come, is a proclamation to society that you aren't going to wait for their blessing, or wait for their approval, or wait for them to be ready because what you've got to do, say, or be is important!
For myself, I've finally reached a place where this totally makes sense. And more importantly, I've decided to act on it. It's like I’m finally telling the world... Hey WORLD!!! Ready or Not, HERE I COME!!! And I kinda like that. I like that I’m feeling less timid in my life, that I’m feeling like I have some stuff to say, and that the stuff I have to say, may, and will, positively impact the lives of others. I like that I've stopped hiding and started seeking out all the wonderful ways I can help others connect in this world.
My mission is to help women deeply connect with themselves and find, no, CREATE the courage they need to allow themselves to dream. And once they internalize those dreams I will help them build the confidence to believe those dreams into reality. It's my time to start helping other people recognize and embrace all the beauty and potential in the world and within themselves. And personally, I think that's a pretty awesome mission.
So, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred...
Ready or Not, Here I Come! ;)