So What!

So What!

I said this to myself one morning on my drive into work. I was thinking about how for the past 25 years I had told myself a story that I just found out was not true. It was something I knew in my gut of guts and with every fiber of my being was true, so coming to terms with the fact that I was wrong had the potential to be very devastating. BUT, this morning I found myself just saying "So what?" and I wholeheartedly meant it. Seriously, so what if I was wrong? What's the big deal? I've been wrong about things before, and I've lived to tell about them. ;) 

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Besides, why would I want to spend any more energy on a 25-year fabrication? 

I'm realizing these two little words can be very powerful. I mean seriously, how many traumatic experiences have we had in our lives that we continue to give power to long beyond the experience itself because we build a story around its meaning. I understand that as humans we long to mourn and grieve our losses and put meaning to everything, but when the stories we are telling ourselves become excuses or prevent us from moving forward then those stories have overstayed their welcome.

Stories in themselves can be very important. They carry history and information and provide reference points, but often we hold on to stories way too long. 

Every day, especially in nature and science, we see examples of how stories we thought once were true were not. Remember as a kid when you were told how Columbus was told the world was flat? Remember how many of us were told Pluto was a planet, and then that it wasn’t, and then that it was again? 

We need to keep this in mind in our own lives. We need to remember that stories can be changed, re-imagined and rewritten. The best part is as humans we have the power to change any aspect of any of our stories we want. 

I mean, if we are going to create stories in our life anyway, we might as well create stories that serve us! What is a new story you can tell about an old experience that can completely turn things around?

What stories have you been telling yourself? What stories have you been letting guide your life? And more importantly what NEW stories do you want to create? 

This is the work I do. I help you create a new powerful story around who you are and who you want to be! Let’s start shining some light on the new YOU! 

Connie OestreichComment