Making Space

The better we can get at knowing our thought “inventory” the less likely our thoughts will get jumbled up and the less likely we are to use our mind as a dumping ground. We will be able to see right away if thought patterns are building up and whether or not those thoughts serve a positive purpose or are the taking up space kind that will not serve us.

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Connie Oestreich
Higher Standards

There seems to be a strange comfort in relinquishing oneself to self-pity, or the victim mentality, but as a coach, I immediately recognize the ridiculousness of that and end up laughing and reminding myself that comfort can also come in the form of self-respect and self-empowerment.

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Connie Oestreich
You're a Bully and Don't Even Know It

Every day people have internal dialogue that completely deflates them. Every day people have internal dialogue that causes self-doubt, insecurity, shame, confusion, and sometimes even self-loathing. For some reason we seem to have become tolerant of this bully, all the while we

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Connie Oestreich